Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Today was a very hot day, but the perfect summer day to enjoy, so we did.  The boys each stayed the night with a friend on Saturday night, so Sunday morning, Jade rode his bike home in time for church and Jordan was picked up on the way to church, but Jackson stayed at a friend's house further away, so he missed church.  Jordan had to work at our neighborhood pool and Jackson needed to pack for his trip that he's taking with a buddy of his, so I invited London and Jade to go to the zoo for a picnic. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Pine Cove 2015

Pine Cove is a Christian camp for kids.  They have several camps to choose from but the overnight youth camp in Tyler, Texas is our absolute favorite.  The first time I sent my oldest, Jordan, was when he was in second grade.  I was very hesitant and feared him being away from me with no way of contacting him for a week.  I didn't know what type of people would be there or the influences they may have or if they would feed him yucky food and not take care of him or love him just like me!  Jordan's best buddy, Jeffery and his mom persuaded me to let him go.  Angela, (Jeffery's mom) was going to be working at one of the camps as a nurse, so I felt better about allowing him to go, knowing she would be there.  It was the BEST thing I could have done for him that summer because he learned so much about the importance of God in your life on a daily basis.  So since that summer, I have sent the all the kids as often as I could.  This year because of other camps for the boys, London was the only one to go and the boys were pretty sad about that.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lisa Dawn Olson


I started this blog as a way to showcase my life as a Christian, wife, mommy, and teacher.  I love all things healthy, laughing too much, traveling on a budget, fashion, and decorating.  New here? Take a look around – you’ll find my take on how I manage to make things work for me and my family...and of course they don't always do that!  If you like that sort of thing, stick around!